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Me minus You ,He and She...equal emptiness - اجازه هست؟
رها آسمانی
I believe in god kingdom, I believe in love,I believe we will live together some day but not in this lifetime,not in this shit world.believe me sweetie!!!7
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.: شهر عشق :.
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زمستان 65
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تابستان 66
پاییز 1386
تابستان 1386
Me minus You ,He and She...equal emptiness

I"m surfing the internet and I could see my self so lonely such as the real shit world...and ask my self: why? really why 
Just because I am me?!,and wanna to be independent?!, maybe ...I"couldn"t figure out about the exact reason of this painfull life that I have to experience 
I hate this life time that all days and nights are alike
I dont have anyone to share with, my happiness and sadness, my smiles and tears, my heart,and all my dreams...i"m sure anyone there; in real world won"t be able to want me as I am, every one has his/her selfishness mentality and never could  accept  the other one compeletly
maybe I have had some one to love but who could accept to be loved without any durty earthy needs???...which is why I hate to be loved and show my love,and am afraid of become involved in any kind of relationship  with any body...
Maybe  ME minus YOU,HE,SHE Whatever... equal loneliness and emptiness but in fact it"s equal peace and safely feelings and live the life inside, toward death
as SOHRAB said:  pitch inside, we are ourself tranquility"s parasol

نویسنده: رها آسمانی(پنج شنبه 86/4/7 :: ساعت 11:44 عصر)
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